Contract Information
- Contract Number: N66001-21-A-0025
- Held by: EC America, Inc.
- Period of Performance: November 13, 2020 - July 14, 2029 (9 one-year option periods)
In the spirit of the Federal Acquisition Streamlining Act, the Naval Warfare Information Center, Pacific (NIWC PAC), on behalf of the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) Enterprise Software Initiative (ESI) (referred to hereafter as the “Government” or “DoD”. The BPA is open for ordering by all DoD components. For the purposes of this agreement, a DoD component is defined as: the Office of the Secretary of Defense (OSD), the military departments, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, the combatant commands, the Inspector General of the DoD, the Defense agencies, the DoD field activities, the U. S. Coast Guard, North Atlantic Treaty Organization, the Intelligence Community, and foreign military sales with a Letter of Authorization. GSA or other applicable ordering organizations/agencies are authorized to place orders under this BPA on behalf of DoD end users and must comply with DFARS 208.7400. This BPA is also open to DoD contractors authorized to order in accordance with the FAR Part 51.
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